"Ploughshares into swords"
Our past sufferings were lessons,
and for every lesson we took our will got only stronger
These decades of misery were a lesson,
And for each minute it passed our goal got only closer
And the final lesson, and its final assignment
We give to you this day
Take whatever you have at hand
And turn it into a weapon
Take whatever feelings you have left
And turn them into hatred
For there are no losers in our war
It brings glory to the victors
It edifies the character of the noble defeated
And it makes extinct what should not exist in the first
And when our day comes…
All fields lie fallow
All the grounds are ripe with blood
Words echo hollow
When every ploughshare’s made a sword
Comfort is the most dangerous enemy we face today
It lingers and renders you incapable of any action worthwhile
Serenity is a poison as deadly as any other
It pacifies you and induces a state of mind
In which you do not even recognize the most essential
tributes of your existence
Our war is a wakeup call
It will bring us back where we belong
It will revaluate everything
It will provide for us a reason for our existence
This is not the war to end all wars
This is the war that will never end…
All fields lie fallow
All the grounds are ripe with blood
Words echo hollow
When every ploughshare’s made a sword